February 4, 2008

Who Knew?

Who knew that being handsome isn't enough to win a Super Bowl? Eli certainly isn't and he won. Anybody else notice the spoilsport Belichek not being present for the official end of the game? Does that rub anyone else the wrong way?


Anonymous said...

+I am sorry but.....this has nothing to do with baby,stepfathering OR Cubs.
What is with all this?

Anonymous said...

Whose this bozo making comments about your blog? Guess they were too chicken to leave their name.......if they would only take the time to read the whole blog, they would see that your thoughts do include the baby, stepfathering and the Cubs!

bizzarro said...

ahem....johnie...i believe that the 'bozo' you're refering to is none other than your aunt and godmother, might be she was refering to the past two posts specifically. you want i should delete your comment?

Anonymous said...

Well if thats the case, she should put her name next to her statements! I am standing up for you and your wonderful blog! No diss to her personally. After all, she is my favorite aunt!

Anonymous said...

My mother and I are innocent!!!We do not like being wrongfully accused of such acts. We will be awaiting your full and very public apology!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I will show you Bozo's chicken!!

Anonymous said...

it think they all reday played, the superbowl,dude. nice try, tho....